It is common for our sense of well-being to become linked with the reactions of others.
We may rely on our relationships to feel safe or loved.
When life becomes difficult, we may blame others or look to them to take away the challenge.
We may use our interactions to define us, or to prop up our ego/identity.
When the people in our lives can’t or won’t provide us with the support we feel we need or desire, we may feel afraid, powerless, frustrated, angry, or resentful.
Like all of our human experiences, our relationships are full of contrast. They can be supportive and energizing, but they may also be destabilizing and challenging. Sometimes the same dynamics replay over and over because we are not aware of our part in creating them. It is common to repeat patterns that we have inherited and also developed especially in childhood.
However, it is possible to become more aware of these dynamics instead of simply playing them out. As we do this work, we often appreciate that others are replaying their own constricting patterns, too. This awareness helps us move out of a victim role, and to step in to our power to choose and to create.
As we release our constricting patterns, we interact with others in more uplifting and expanding ways. Through this process, we also become more centered, grounded, and empowered, and then we put less pressure on our relationships to hold us up. As we open up to sense our spiritual nature or essence, our relationships also become more loving, light-hearted, and free.